Top 10 Jackie Moon Costume Contest Photos

Jackie Moon Costume Contest Winners

It was a tough call, but we narrowed down the dozens of entries we received into our Top 10 Jackie Moon Halloween Costumes. Congratulations to our $100 winners--the Australian Tropics! Top runner-ups will also receive a prize so check your email boxes next week for details. A big thank you again to all our competitors!

1. The Flint Tropics!

Flint Tropics Team Jerseys

2. Iconic Free Throw Pose With ABA Ball

ABA Basketball Halloween Costume

3. Jackie Moon, Ed Monix, Coffee Black, Vakidis and Father Pat!

Flint Tropics Jersey T-Shirts

4. Coffee Black About To Outrun All Those Jive Turkeys

Coffee Black Afro Wig

5. Jackie Moon Gets All The Babes

Jackie Moon Costume With Sexy Babes

6. Flint Tropics Drinking Team

Flint Tropics Drinking Team

7. E.L.E!

Jackie Moon Costume Pose

8. Love Me Sexy Cape

 Love Me Sexy Cape

9. Flint Tropics Warm Up Suit & Sneakers

Flint Tropics Warm-up Suit

10. Nice socks Jackie Moon!

Jackie Moon Socks

posted 2011 Nov 04 by